The mirrors are a very subtle concept which can be hard to understand because we need to be open to the things we can’t physically see, the things which are not obvious or tangible.
Self-denial is the reason why some say the mirrors are not accurate because they amplify our ego and vanity.
The fact that there are seven mirrors in total is definitely not a coincidence as 7 is considered to be the number of divinity, of the immaterial. The number 7 has always had a special connotation in our symbolic history, in stories, as well as our daily lives.
Seven days of the week, seven chakras, seven levels of consciousness, seven stages of grieving, the neutral PH value is 7, Snow White and Seven Dwarves, seven virtues and seven deadly sins, seven heavens and seven earths, seven days of creation, seven colours in the rainbow…and many more.
Just a quick background - the Essenes are famously known for the Dead Sea Scrolls, they were a sect of Jewish men who led a monastic and ascetic life and lived around 100 BCE - 70 CE. Some accounts say they led a celibate life, others that they were divided in two groups, of which some of the men would still marry and have children to continue their existence.
I’ve also come across claims which said that Jesus was himself an Essene as well as John the Baptist, which I thought was quite interesting because many of the things Jesus and John said and did seemed to be in line with the mirrors.
The first mirror is the mirror of the present moment. This is the mirror of our day to day lives and it’s like peeling the first layer, the most obvious one and easy to understand.
If you feel calm, all is calm around you. If you feel agitated, everything is in a state of crisis. People mirror back to us what we are feeling in the moment. Simply put, if you are frustrated or angry within, on one particular day, you will come across situations and people which are angry or frustrated so that you can observe yourself and snap out of it.
The second mirror is the mirror of judgement. We attract what we judge. This is a subtle mirror because it’s the ego’s mirror and it’s definitively one of the most denied mirrors. It’s the mirror of old and unresolved emotional wounds. When we don’t resolve our emotional issues we tend to fill that emptiness with judgement. I know I am stating the obvious but maybe some still need to hear that passing judgement it’s not nice. When we judge other people, we live the illusion that we find ourselves somewhat superior and better than others. When in actuality, judgement is born from lack of something and it means we are judging ourselves. Tough one to swallow right And remember, you can deny it all you want…or just observe, accept and work on it.
The third mirror is the mirror of something which we’ve lost, given away or was taken from us. For example it could be a person you’ve just met and you become infatuated with their enthusiasm for life. You love how happy they are to be alive and that attracts you to him/her a lot, and because you’ve lost your own enthusiasm, you’ve given it away or it was taken from you, now you are blinded by this other person’s state of being and you are not able to see anything else.This is usually the mirror which comes when we fall in love with the wrong person. We are blinded by that one thing we’ve lost. It could be anything though, it could be confidence, kindness or innocence. However one thing to remember is that whatever it is, it’s not lost forever. Anything you feel that you’ve lost, given away or it was taken from you, it can ALWAYS be reclaimed within. This person only comes in your life as a reminder and instead of ignoring all the red flags, make sure you recognise what it is that you need to reclaim for yourself and send them on their way.
The fourth mirror is the mirror which reflects our deepest addictions, our biggest attachments. This particular mirror, just like the second one, it’s challenging to accept because it mirrors our obsessions. An obsession is something you want to have, whatever the price. It’s the kind of stuff you usually ‘sell your soul’ for. It’s mirrored back in the patterns we keep repeating, circumstances we find ourselves in repeatedly and of course people too. You might think of the obvious addictions like smoking, alcohol, drugs, but there are so many others which seems to be getting less ‘recognition’. Like the addiction of always being right, of always being in control or wanting to always have the last word. For example a pattern where you keep doing things for others and you end up feeling frustrated and annoyed because no one reciprocates it.This is the obsession of approval and appreciation from others, which is rooted in lack of approval and appreciation for yourself.
The fifth mirror is the one of our relationship with the divinity, our connection to God, and our parents. As children we consider our parents God-like. Anything our parents tell us during our childhood is considered to be the ultimate truth for us, we believe them without any doubts. As adults we end up recreating the same behaviours we’ve learned from our parents, and our relationships and partners also mirror the relationship our parents have or had. We either recreate their relationship, and if we are honest enough we’ll be able to observe who’s who, or we go the exact opposite of their relationship, but the point of reference is still their relationship.The relationship you have with your parents it’s the relationship you have with the divinity, with God.
The sixth mirror is The Dark Night Of The Soul and it’s reflecting our deepest fears. We attract in our lives things, situations and people which help us see our most profound fears so that we can work on solving them. Just like the other mirrors, we start by encountering people and situations which make us think of our biggest fears just for a split second. The more we choose to ignore the signals and head in the opposite direction, the mirror amplifies until we are left with no choice but to face our biggest fears.
The seventh mirror is the mirror of who we truly are deep down inside. If the first mirror reflects our current mood and reality, the seventh is the reflection of our true selves. It’s the mirror of honesty. If I am not honest with myself and don’t want to see who I truly am and where I am right now, then I will attract in my life people and situations which will show me this. This mirror is the most subtle mirror and the hardest to accept because it tells us that regardless of where we are, what we are doing and what is happening in our lives, everything it’s exactly how it’s supposed to be.
The mirrors reflect the relationship with ourselves, the relationship with the life we’ve chosen for us, the road we need to take and when we are deviating from it.
We are in a relationship with everything that surrounds us, whether it’s money, our home, nature, strangers, animals, our family and friends.
Don’t fall in the trap of overanalysing every single thing or person, just be able to observe and accept the mirrors as they come. Stay open.
Andrada x